Okay, I really need advice here. I recently starting dating an amazing guy. He's 30 and I am 26. We click and I'm pretty positive we are going to start a committed relationship - we've been seeing each other for a few months now and we are exclusive. The sex is GREAT but there's one thing. He has a serious foot fetish as in feet are by far his biggest turn on and foreplay always involves kissing/caressing/massaging my feet. I've never slept with a guy with a foot fetish before so it's brand new to me. I try to be an enthusiastic partner but feet just don't do it for me. Once he starts touching my feet I just want it to be over so we can start having sex or better- he can work on getting me turned on. The thing is since his foreplay involves feet so much it distracts me from feeling sexy/erotic and I kind of get lost. I just can't take giving a foot job seriously. I've tried little hints here and there like asking him what else turns him on and he's mentioned things like when a woman takes control so I'm trying to work on that. For example I've been trying to give him head more often out of nowhere (which I thought would be a win-win since it would turn us both on) but he always returns to watching to touch my feet
I need advice! Has anyone gone through this before? I really like this guy but I don't want to have to do "the foot thing" every time we have sex. I understand he can indulge in his fetish often but not every time, right? Or is this selfish?

I think that she needs to be more sympathetic to this issue. She
shouldn't consider his interest a perversion. Would she be so bothered
if her guy focused on her breasts, ass, legs or elbows? She must
understand that to him her feet are a spectacular part of what he
adores. They turn him on and are an integral part of sex. If she cares
about him, she can find ways to incorporate it into their routine: put
feet in his face when she goes down on him, rub soles on his chest and
neck when in the missionary position. A woman overlook all the benefits
of dating a foot guy...free massages, frequent pedicures, he actually
wants you to go shoe shopping. Liking feet is not harmful and can be
thoroughly enjoyable for both. If she cannot deal with it both
physically and emotionally and decides to protest and squash his passion
then, well, it'll probably be over. Admittedly, I am writing from my
own foot-focused perspective. #footpatrolstudio #archerlegend #feetonfilm #pedipolice #tasteoftoe
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